Top Tips on Engaging with Coaches

  1. If everyone is open to it, include the coach from the first meeting, so that that you can get their involvement and start building a connection, as the athlete builds their growth plan.
  2. Give the coach an overview and some background about the programme – why are we here? What are the principles of athlete support? e.g., set the foundation that the primary goal is long term development.
  3. Focus the circle of support meeting on the athlete’s needs, with them at the centre, this may require some discussion around prioritising competitions and athlete time commitments.
  4. Explain your role: i.e., a holistic support person, an adult they can rely on, a connector, and a facilitator, not necessarily a leader.
  5. Get input from your athlete on how they see your role.
  6. Ask the athlete how much information they are happy for you to share, and with who?
  7. Following the initial growth planning meeting, make sure you confirm the next steps on communication/engagement with the circle of support – who? what? when? how?
  8. Encourage and support the athlete to own and lead communication with their circle of support… but remember, because they are young, they will need coaching, prompting, support, reminders and follow-up.
  9. Switch the conversation with the athlete from ‘do you have the right coach?’ to ‘do you have the right coaching?’ to understand their coaching needs now and in the future.
  10. The way you connect will be different for every athlete.
  11. Over communicate. Over communicate. Over communicate.
  12. Encourage the coach(es) to ask questions of the athlete to help build athlete communication, don’t assume they will be forthcoming with information.
  13. As an Independent Facilitator, try to be as engaging and responsive as possible.
  14. For some athletes, your value as an Independent Facilitator will be providing continuity amongst multiple coaches or campaigns throughout the year.
  15. As an Independent Facilitator, reassure coaches, welcome their involvement.
  16. Educate your athlete(s) on the value of including coaches and make sure they are being proactive too.
  17. Build the trust with the coach(es) first, once you have this relationship, you can do the work/mahi.
  18. Encourage coaches to come to you with any concerns proactively.