About RMG Creator Suzie Muirhead.
The Raise My Game development planning system was developed by former Black Stick and management consultant Suzie Muirhead. Suzie worked alongside some of New Zealand’s best coaches, coach educators and sports specialists to develop the competency cards ensuring the content is sport-specific and aligned with talent development research. Over many years the process has been used across team and individual sports with hundreds of talented young athletes, and has set many on the road to success.
The goal is to support athletes to become leaders, learners and achievers, in sport and in life. Raise My Game facilitators are taught how to use the tools and card decks in a process that uses competency cards to identify the priorities and develop a growth plan; giving athletes clarity, focus, and motivation. The process has now also been extended to support coach development with a coaching card deck.
Suzie was recently voted as one of the most valuable players in New Zealand Hockey’s history. She played for the Black Sticks for 14 years, accumulating 238 caps, and attending two Olympic Games. A former captain, Suzie won New Zealand player of the year twice, was inducted to the Wellington Sports Hall of fame in 2018, and has worked as a high performance coach. She has a sport management masters degree specialising in team cohesion.
Coach of the Japanese Women’s 15s Rugby Team, Leslie McKenzie has used the Raise My Game System for over five years.
International Hockey Player and Performance Coach, Dane Lett shares his experience using the Raise My Game system.
International Cricketer Amelia Kerr explains how the Raise My Game system has helped her make some big decisions.
International Cricketer Michael Bracewell recalls how Raise My Game helped with stepping into a leadership role.
Coach Developer Kelly McCallum says the coaching card deck created powerful holistic conversations, and has seen real shifts.

Step 1: Big Picture
Start with a conversation about motivations, super-strengths, values, goals and aspirations, typical training week and circle of support.

Step 2: Sort the Competency Cards
The card sorting process will create a conversation that helps the athlete reflect on all of the competencies needed to be successful and then narrow down to the priorities for development.
The first card sort is for perceived current level of competence.
The second card sort helps prioritise competencies for development.

Step 3: Plan
Identify outcomes, actions and measures for each prioritised competency.
Discuss how the plan will be integrated into the daily training environment and shared with the circle of support.
Frequently Asked Questions
I welcome your enquiries and questions.
How do I become a RMG facilitator?
If you are working with athletes, you need to purchase a Raise My Game facilitator membership. You will then be trained as a facilitator, receive a card deck for your sport, and be invited to join the Raise My Game community for ongoing learning and support. The coach card deck comes with optional online training.
What is the role of the facilitator?
A facilitator’s role is to guide the athlete through a process, helping them clarify which competencies are the highest priorities for their development, and build a focused action plan. The athlete should feel comfortable, safe and a strong sense of ownership.
Can we create a card deck for my sport?
Yes, if you are a sporting organisation and would like to work with me to develp a competency card set for your sport, please contact me.
Who can be a facilitator?
A coach, mentor, parent, teacher or programme manager can facilitate the process. The process is designed to provide information to the people critical to the day-to-day training support of the athlete, so we provide a process for sharing the plan with the wider circle of support.
What if an athlete raises risk around mental health or wellbeing?
If an issue relating to mental health or harm arises, ask the athlete for their permission to seek help on their behalf. We discuss this in more detail as part of the facilitator training.
How often should the Growth Plan be reviewed?
Most athletes would review their performance plan 2-3 times per year at natural milestones in their schedule. Raise My Game provides a step-by-step process for a Growth Plan review.
When and how should a facilitator involve other coaches or support people?
The facilitators role is to help the athlete get all of the people in their circle of support on the same page. We provide a process to support this as part of the facilitator training.
Is there a card deck for coach development?
Yes, anyone can purchase the coach card deck, and there is a coach development plan template for coaches. View coach deck sample.
Is there a card deck for athlete transition planning?
Yes, anyone can purchase the transition card deck, and there is a transition planning template. View transition deck sample.
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