In the video above we met Tamsin Chittock who has been appointed as the lead advisor to pathways athletes for medical support for HPSNZ. Tamsin talks about her role, the importance of having a good relationship with your GP and athlete medical insurance.

Tamsin has had a successful 20+ years as a physiotherapist in the NZ sporting and HP systems. She has worked across many sports from Rowing, Kayak, Athletics, Trampoline, track cycling at international level and in her words: “supported some incredible athletes”. She has attended many World Champs across these sports and two Olympic Games.

She is the lead physiotherapist at HPSNZ in Christchurch, and is passionate about building and elevating the networks supporting our regional athletes through their journeys.

Formerly a representative hockey player in England, she has 2 teenage boys who are both avid sportsmen and she loves being on the sidelines for them.

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